We believe that Kingdom College was called forth by God at a time such as this to take back the pillar of education for God’s Purposes, Plans, and His Will for His Creation. Christian education is the foundation upon which America was built. Our forefathers believed that God had placed His people in America out of His desire and grace for a country that would stand for and always hold God as a beacon of His Light for all to see, trust and follow. Kingdom College has answered a call to bring Christian education to the forefront in the American higher educational scene to continue building on the foundation upon which God brought forth America. Kingdom College, its staff, faculty, and students are willing to take His Light to the four corners of this country and all other countries through the equipping and empowering of The Holy Spirit and the training found in this institution of higher learning for a higher purpose.
The path to Kingdom College was birthed from the vision of Living Waters Counseling, Inc. Living Waters Counseling is a Christian, comprehensive mental health facility located in Henry County, Alabama. This facility charges no fees for its professional services and has been in existence since 2000. From the inception of Living Waters in January 2000, two mandates were given: (1) Be near the brokenhearted (2) Raise up an army of Christian counselors, which was extended to include workers in all global fields, i.e., education, social work, ministry. Living Waters began by offering basic lay counseling classes that included a framework of Biblical standards for mental health. The need for more Christian counselors was large in 2000 and has since multiplied exponentially across the globe.
The awareness of the lack of Christian counselors, ministry workers, educators brought forth the foundation for building Kingdom College. “Then He said to them, “’ The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His Harvest’” (Luke 10:2 NIV). Upon discovery that although the needs are great, through the training and equipping of men and women at Kingdom College, those needs would be addressed. The support of the leadership of Living Waters and the financial support of Living Waters has ensured that the foundation of Kingdom College demonstrates purity, integrity, and Christ-likeness.
Kingdom College was organized in 2017 exclusively to provide college education courses with a Biblical foundation in which students could obtain Certification, Associate’s, Bachelor’s, and/or Master’s Degrees in fields including, but not limited to counseling, Biblical studies, counseling, and psychology along with offering dual enrollment classes for local high school students. It was determined to establish and maintain a Christian educational institution of collegiate rank that gives men and women a Christian college education that will prepare them for acts of service to society locally and globally. The first classes were offered in fall 2018.