Preparing, Equipping,
Kingdom College is a Christian college dedicated to preparing and equipping God’s people for
works of service (Ephesians 4:11-12 NIV) by teaching students on the undergraduate and
graduate levels to perform works of service in the areas of Biblical Studies, Psychology, and
Christian Clinical Mental Health Counseling.
A Christian college sending forth His people empowered by The Holy Spirit through love to
fulfill His divine plan as seen in Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when The Holy Spirit
comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and all Judea and Samaria, and to the
ends of the earth,” and Matthew 28:19 ,”Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit” in the fields
of Biblical Studies, Psychology and Clinical Mental Health in order to establish strength, hope
and soundness to the people in the global and local market place.

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We now have some opportunities for students to receive aid for their program of choice at Kingdom College. To learn more, read here.
Take Advantage of Tuition Assistance!
There’s never been a time when obtaining a quality Christian education was more important than it is now. Explore taking classes now and connect with one of our representatives about how we can help build a strong future with a Christian education. Contact us today and inquire about the programs and courses as soon as possible.
A Letter from the president
Value – the worth of something, the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance or usefulness of something
What value do you place on your education? Is it the amount of money you are planning on making on your job? The prestige of the degree you pursue? Certainly, each of these defining qualities denote the value of the efforts you are putting towards your education.
Have you ever thought that there may be a college that is not going to put you into debt while you obtain a degree that demonstrates the value you place on your life, on other’s lives?
Kingdom College is that college. We are focused on three areas of education, Biblical Studies, Psychology, and Counseling-all taught from a Christian worldview. Today, concepts such as faith and values have lost the attention and efforts of many in the world, but that does not mean that their importance in leading a strong, healthy life has diminished. For those that have chosen to pursue education through Kingdom College, they have found their lives enriched and value-driven, at home and the workplace. Their education proved to be worthy and of great value.
Let’s talk numbers for just a brief moment. After all, the world looks to the bottom line of almost all enterprises. Tuition at Kingdom College is affordable-bottom line. Undergraduate hours are $275 and Graduate hours are $375. These tuition costs will not break your bank; nor will these tuition costs rob you of your financial future. What these tuition costs will do, is provide you with an affordable, quality education that will build a future that is sound and secure. Further, has anyone offered you an interest free loan for your education? Kingdom College has that resource available if you need assistance. The important thing to consider when seeking an education is what value that education is going to provide throughout your life. If you leave any college with the huge burden of debt, then money become a bigger focus than God. Kingdom College tries to alleviate that becoming a truth for our graduates.
Give us a call, a visit. Let us talk to you about your desires, plans, and values about higher education. We think you will like what we have to offer to jump start you into the call on your life and the desires of your heart!
Kingdom College
Chaplaincy Certification Program
The purpose of the Chaplaincy Certification Program is to provide, in a variety of settings, basic and advanced training in chaplaincy skills, helping skills, crisis intervention and counseling.
Upon completion of this certification, the student will be able to:
Identify the various roles of chaplains and the skills needed for each role.
Demonstrate basic counseling skills in various situations, to include crisis, trauma, and grief.
Share biblical and theological elements as part of a chaplaincy ministry.
Understand current trends and issues pertaining to the roles of chaplains.
Chaplains serve an important role in caring for people in times of distress, trauma, and natural disaster. Chaplains serve in both voluntary and paid capacities. To be effective, this requires a certain skill set.
The Chaplaincy Certification Program provides for the basic and advanced training in necessary chaplaincy skills, taught by experienced chaplains with doctoral degrees. Those that would benefit from this program include those interested in serving in the chaplaincy and those already serving as chaplains, looking to hone their skills.
Lay Counseling Certification
Kingdom College is now partnering with Living Waters Counseling to offer comprehensive training for those interested in becoming lay counselors.
LCS 101— Lay Counseling I (3 credit hours)
Introduction to lay counseling.
LCS 102— Lay Counseling II (3 credit hours)
To instruct and expose students in the ethics and legalities of professional counseling
LCS 103— Lay Counseling III (3 credit hours)
This experiential and didactic course provides students an understanding of effective interventions from various perspectives and allows them to examine personal characteristics and their effect on individual, couple, and family counseling.
LCS 104— Lay Counseling IV (3 credit hours)
This course allows students to understand psychological first aid and assessment of those experiencing grief, crisis and trauma.
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies
This degree program is designed to prepare students to effectively study the Scriptures in pursuit of both academic excellence and spiritual growth. The program is grounded in Creationism and will introduce students to the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments. Students in this degree program will also be introduced to church history, systematic theology, comparative religions, ethics, apologetics, evangelism, and missions. Introductory courses in biblical missions are electives for this degree program.
Upon completion of this degree, the student will be able to:
Effectively study the Bible using the skills of observation, interpretation, and application.
Utilize historical geography and relevant ancient cultural contexts in the interpretation of the Old and New Testaments.
Summarize the story of the Old and New Testaments.
Explain the major branches of theology.
Explain the history of the Christian Church from Acts to recent time.
Assess theological issues and contemporary theological developments in light of an orthodox, protestant, and evangelical theology.
- There is one God, eternally existent in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – the ultimate Creator and Sustainer of all things in Heaven and on Earth.
- The Holy Bible is the inspired and infallible written word of God, progressively revealing God’s will for humankind.
- Jesus Christ is the Living Word of God Who made known and carried out God’s plan of redemption through His virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death, bodily resurrection, and ascension, and who will return in power and glory.
- The Holy Spirit is present in the life of the believer, testifying to the Lordship of Christ and enabling the believer to live a Godly life.
- Man, though uniquely created in God’s image, rebels, and stands in need of redemption.
- God graciously extends salvation to anyone who comes to Christ by faith.
- The Church is the community of believers who express their unity in Christ by loving and serving Him and each other.